Advanced Certified Scrum Master

From knowledge to skills: Learn the practices and techniques to lead your team to peak performance, work efficiently with the rest of the organization and use Scrum effectively within the company.

Next Level Scrum Mastery

Become a true Scrum Master and learn advanced techniques for your work: facilitation, coaching, mentoring and training or change management and scaling. Let’s look beyond the horizons of Scrum: How can you complement your setup with other agile frameworks? And how can you work on your mindset? Through self-reflection and group discussions, you will gain new insights that will make you an even better Scrum Master.

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Advanced Certified Scrum Master Training A-CSM ACSM

After the training you can ...

We use a case study to learn about High Performing Teams and use concrete, real-world examples to deepen your most important task as a Scrum Master: moving your team forward. Get to know the most important elements of successful facilitation and apply the process and questions from professional coaching in practical exercises – the exercise is led by a professional coach. You will also learn how to guide your Product Owner from tactical to strategic work and work effectively with the rest of the organization, for example to scale Scrum to multiple teams.

Your options

Cohort-based training

Our new A-CSM training offers you an immersive, in-depth learning experience that no other format can match. You work through the prepared and structured content together in a small group of approx. 4-6 people (“cohort”).

Depending on the module, 1-2 cohort meetings (“peer group meetings”) are planned for each module. These will be coordinated by the participants themselves at the beginning of the kickoff and are not listed in the schedule given here.

In addition, the training includes 2 “facilitated peer group meetings” of 90 minutes each, accompanied by our trainers or coaches. These dates are shown in the list below.

Self paced - start when you want!

In this option, you complete the training modules at your own pace and work your way through the workbook. We are available to you in the community during this time. In addition, you book a total of 4 coaching sessions with us (included in the price).

The four coaching sessions incl. Your workbook serves to support you and to check the learning objectives. After completion, we will register you for certification.

Upcoming dates for cohort-based training

Sept. 5. - Oct. 10. 2024
€ 1.775 + VAT.

Early Bird

Nov. 7. - Dec. 19. 2024
€ 1.700 + VAT.

Super Early Bird

Cohort based

The better way of learning: with and from each other. Together we develop new skills in small groups using exercises. In this way, we deepen the knowledge acquired in the preparation phase to the point of proficiency.

Community powered

Before, during and after training, you have a community of like-minded people at your side who are going down the same path. Our experienced coaches support this journey at many points along the way.


On completion of the training, you will also receive the coveted Scrum Alliance “Advanced Certified Scrum Master®” (A-CSM) certificate and a two-year membership of the Scrum Alliance.

What you will learn
We will not leave you alone!
3 months Pro membership included

In the community, you can deepen your learning journey after the training and get answers, many more online courses to deepen your knowledge and exchange ideas with like-minded people. In addition, we hold regular events where we address current topics as well as the issues and special topics of our members.

Incl. 1h professional agile coaching

Take advantage of this offer to deepen and grow your learning even after the training.

The contents in detail

Module 1
Lean, Agile & Scrum

Deepen your understanding of the background of the agile movement and understand why some elements are present in Scrum. Learn about other important representatives of agile frameworks, such as DevOps or Kanban, and how you can integrate them into your team’s work.

Module 2
Core competence 1: Facilitation

As an Advanced Certified Scrum Master, you understand facilitation and have mastered at least some basic techniques and processes, understand how to use the “Diamond of Participatory Decision Making” and know the IAF Core Comeptencies.

Module 3
Core competence 2: Coaching

Your introduction to professional coaching: We learn how to put the theory of the ICF Core Competencies into practice and coach live. You will learn the coaching stances and differentiation from Agile Coaching and the other “hats” that you wear in your work as a Scrum Master.

Module 4
Core competence 3: Training

After this module you will be able to design, create and deliver a training course using modern techniques from brain research and learning theory. We practice this with training on aspects of Scrum and agile working methods.

Module 5
High Performing Teams

Using a case study, we explore how a team can develop from a working group to a real team to a high-performance team. In the second part of this module, you will deepen your knowledge of agile development practices that will help your team achieve greater technical excellence.

Module 6
Working with product owners

You can support your product owner in developing a product goal from a product vision and optimizing the product backlog so that each individual element contributes to the product goal or supports its achievement in the best possible way.

Module 7
Scaling Agile

Get to know different scaling frameworks to work with several teams on one product. But above all, understand what you need to pay attention to when scaling Scrum and Agile vertically. In this module, we look at the patterns using practical examples.

Module 8
Organizational Change

Get to know and classify different models of “change management”. Learn how evolutionary change works. How can you remove obstacles at the organizational level? How can you get support in the organization?

Module 9
Scrum Master as a Leader

What does it mean to lead self-organized teams? What is servant leadership? Learn the basics of (lateral) leadership that you need to grow yourself. Learn to reflect on yourself and grow from your findings.

Why you should do your A-CSM training with us

Experienced and practical

Our two trainers for this training, Andreas Wintersteiger and Brigitte Pfeifer-Schmöller, are experienced and certified Agile Coaches and ICF-certified Professional Coaches (ICF PCC) and work with agile teams on a daily basis. With us, you’ll acquire hands-on experience!

Examples from daily practice

Our training content is based on real examples from the daily practice of agile teams under real conditions.

Experts in agility, experts in learning

Because it matters who you learn from, we have always acquired expertise in human learning as well.

Much more than just training

We know that the real challenges only come after the training days, so we won't leave you alone!

Any questions?


If you cannot find an answer in our FAQs, we will be happy to help you. Simply book an appointment with us!

Both options include the A-CSM training to the extent described.

  • cohort-based, modular training OR self-paced online training with 4h coaching
  • 20 hours of live online training, of which approx. 14 hours are facilitated
  • approx. 16 hours of intensive preparation (video, learning materials, workbook and individual tasks)
  • Detailed instructions for preparation (workbook)
  • Professional coaching 1 session (cohort-based) or 4 sessions (self-paced)
  • Three months Pro membership in the Mixed Agile Arts® Community with all comprehensive online learning content and benefits.
  • Two-year membership of the Scrum Alliance incl. Certification fees
  • A book
  • Printed documents, printed workbook, writing materials and other goodies will be sent by post

This training is aimed at experienced Scrum Masters: if you are a Scrum Master in one or more agile teams, have already completed the basic level (CSM), have gained at least one year of professional experience in the role of Scrum Master and now want to grow further, then this is the right place for you.

Yes, for the certification you need the basic level certificate “CSM” of the Scrum Alliance. You must therefore have this certificate before this training.

In addition, you must have at least 12 months of practical experience as a Scrum Master on your profile with the Scrum Alliance. However, these do not have to be CSMs.

No. As an active participant in this training course, you will receive the Advanced Certified Scrum Master® certificate from the Scrum Alliance (A-CSM). The prerequisite for this is full attendance at all online live sessions, independent preparation and homework, as well as participation in the training. Reflection (preparation) and homework are an essential part of the learning objectives. As trainers, we are called upon to check that these have been achieved. If you are unable to attend in full, please contact us in advance to clarify whether you can attend on other dates.

In the run-up to the training, i.e. the first date (kick-off), you will receive comprehensive information by email or access to the online part of the training. Allow about 2-3 hours for preparation.

This training method is essentially based on three pillars:

  1. Individual learning: Theoretical content is developed in very small units by the learners themselves and at their own pace. Participants are given access to our learning community platform, where they can consume content online (“self-paced”). Individual exercises round off the self-paced learning objective assessment.
  2. Learning in a group (cohort): On our platform, members of the cohort will deepen their knowledge through practical exercises in small groups. On the one hand, these exercises go much deeper than would be possible in a full-day training course and, on the other hand, they are completely taken from the learners’ daily practice. Through the discussions generated during the exercises, the participants learn with and from each other and feel much more responsible for their own and the group’s learning success. The group exercises are structured and accompanied by our highly experienced consultants, coaches and trainers.
  3. Mentoring and coaching from us: In addition, participants receive intensive support for their learning journey from us in the form of mentoring and coaching, where their individual understanding and mindset is further deepened. In each training program, the majority of the cohort appointments are facilitated by us; the group only makes a few appointments on its own, but then in a targeted manner.

In this option, you complete the training modules at your own pace and work your way through the workbook. During this time, we are available to you in our Mixed Agile Arts® community (Ask Me Anything, office hours, discussion space, etc.). In addition, you book a total of 4 sessions (1 hour each) of coaching (included in the price). At the end, you send us your completed workbook. The four coaching sessions incl. your workbook are used to check the learning objectives. We will then register you for certification. The processing time is typically shorter in this option, but depending on your speed it can also be longer.

No preparation is necessary with this option, you can start at any time. There are no dates. If you buy the self-paced option, you will receive immediate access to the training and 4 voucher codes for coaching by email.

It all depends on your needs. If you prefer to study in a group and are prepared to coordinate your times with others, the cohort-based option is probably better suited to you.

If you want to focus on your own learning journey and prefer to work undisturbed, alone at your own pace, then choose “Self-Paced”.

Quite simply, there is less work involved for us. Even if the one-off creation and structuring of the learning content was a lot of work, we honestly only want to cover the costs incurred by us here.

Cohort-based training is a lot more work for us and therefore a little more expensive. There are typically 4-5 people in a cohort.

After your confirmed registration (online registration) for the training, you will receive an email from our workflow with access to the Community Platform and detailed instructions on what to prepare.

We will also activate the “Advanced Certified Scrum Master” course for you, where you will find the preparation and content for each module.

If you already know shortly before the training that you cannot participate, please contact our office. We will look for a solution where you can either postpone your participation or send a substitute participant.

If you are unable to attend a follow-up appointment, you have the opportunity to make up for this in one of the next training sessions. Another option is a private individual session (may be subject to a surcharge, depending on availability). In any case, please also contact our office.

We use the“Zoom” tool for video conferencing in our A-CSM training. Other tools are “Welo” and “Miro”. Please understand that we cannot accommodate individual tool requests for public training courses with up to 16 participants. It may be that your company has restrictive guidelines regarding authorized tools or websites, incl. Protocols exist. Please check in advance whether the above-mentioned tools are approved in your professional infrastructure and function adequately. If necessary, please check alternative options for participation (e.g. without VPN, private PC or via mobile phone/tablet). You can check here whether Zoom works for you.

As soon as you have registered as a training participant, you will receive all the information you need to participate and familiarize yourself with the tools in good time before the training.

Live online means that the training is “live”, but using teleconferencing and teleworking tools. We make sure that the interaction between you and our trainers, as well as with the other participants, is as close as possible to face-to-face training (i.e. “live” or on-site). This means you can take part from anywhere with a modern Internet connection.

Differentiation from (purely) “online”:

Fully online training courses, such as our Scrum Foundations training, can be completed at your own pace and at your own pace on our learning platform. There are no dates.

Yes, because you are important to us! To guarantee your learning success, there are no mass events with us!

We limit our training courses to 16 participants. This guarantees us and you that we can maintain our quality standards. We take the time to answer questions and create sufficient space for discussion and reflection.

Yes, there are different funding options depending on the country, federal state and your personal circumstances. Please understand that we cannot provide comprehensive information about the funding landscape in the various countries.